Special Council Meeting


Wednesday 4 May 2016

Commencing at 5.00pm


Wycheproof Supper Room

367 Broadway, Wycheproof



John Hicks

Chief Executive Officer

Buloke Shire Council

Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting Minutes                                         Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 commencing at 5.00pm in the Wycheproof Supper Room, 367 Broadway, Wycheproof



Cr Reid Mather                                Mallee Ward



Cr Ellen White                                  Mallee Ward

Cr David Pollard                              Lower Avoca Ward 

Cr Stuart McLean                            Lower Avoca Ward

Cr Graeme Milne                             Mount Jeffcott Ward

Cr Leo Tellefson                              Mount Jeffcott Ward



Mr Anthony Judd                             Acting Chief Executuive Officer

Mr Bill Hutcheson                            Director Corporate Systems

Mr Bill Keane                                   Manager Community Services

Ms Jessie Holmes                           Manager Planning and Community Support

Mr Travis Fitzgibbon                        Media and Communications Officer

Mr Paul Fernee                                Acting Director Works and Technical Services 







The Mayor Cr Reid Mather welcomed all in attendance.


We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are meeting.    We pay our respects to their Elders and to the Elders from other communities who maybe here today.


Cr Gail Sharp                                   Mount Jeffcott Ward

3.       DECLARATION of PECUNIARY AND conflictS of interest

The Mayor Councillor Reid Mather declared a conflict of interest with the Culgoa Lalbert Road rehabilitation project in the Capital Works section of the Budget.

4....... Business

4.1      Financial Reports   4

4.1.1        Proposed 2016/17 Budget  4





The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in Wycheproof Supper Room, 367 Broadway, Wycheproof on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 7.00pm.







Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting Minutes                                        Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.          Business

4.1       Financial Reports

4.1.1    Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Author’s Title:           Director Corporate Services

Department:              Corporate Services                                          File No: FM/05/04


1       Draft 2016/17 Budget

Relevance to Council Plan 2015  - 2019

Strategic Objective:          Delivering our services in a financially sustainable way    


Cr Reid Mather left the meeting at 5:04 pm.  Cr David Pollard assumed the Chair.






1.       Council, having prepared the Draft 2016/17 Budget in accordance with Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989, gives public notice in accordance with section 129 of the Act, to advertise in local newspapers for a minimum 28 day period and make the 2016/17 Draft Budget available in Wycheproof Council Office and on Council’s website.

2.       Persons may make submissions under Section 223 of the Act, on any proposal contained in the Draft Budget.

3.       Presentations in support of written submissions will be heard at Council’s Ordinary Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 8 at 7.00pm at the Wycheproof Supper Room.


Moved:             Cr Graeme Milne

Seconded:      Cr Leo Tellefson



Cr Reid Mather returned to the meeting at 5:20 pm and resumed the Chair.

1.       Executive Summary


This report is for Council to consider the proposed 2016/16 Budget for approval to exhibit and call for public submissions.  The report also proposes the adoption of Council’s fees and charges for the 2016/17 financial year.


2.       Discussion


Under the provisions in the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual budget for each financial year.  The budget is required to include certain information about the rates and charges that Council intends to levy as well as a range of other information required by the Regulations which support the Act.


The Draft Budget for 2016/17 reflects Council’s commitment for long term financial sustainability and continued to support for the community with a range in initiatives.


The key initiatives in the budget are:


·    No increase to the garbage charge due to service delivery efficiencies

·    Reduction in Council fleet costs of 10%.

·    Continuation of disposal of land assets surplus to Council needs.

·    Works to address safety in Council recreational buildings.

·    Continued development and improvements to Council’s swimming pools.

·    Stage 1 of Lakes precinct projects

·    Stage 1 of Streetscape projects

3.       Financial Implications


The 2016/17 Draft Budget, which is included in this report, is for the year 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.  The budget includes financial statements being a budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Capital Works. These statements have been prepared for the year ended 30 June 2017 in accordance with the Act and Regulations.  They are consistent with the annual financial statements which are prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards.  The budget also includes information about the rates and charges to be levied, the capital works program to be undertaken, the human resources required, and other financial information Council requires in order to make an informed decision about the adoption of the budget

4.       Cost Shift Considerations


There are no new cost shift implications in the Draft Budget.  The Draft Budget does continue, however, to pick up costs that are considered to be the responsibility or product of decisions made by other levels of government including EPA levies, library services, HACC services, central fixing of planning fees and Country Roads and Bridges, as well as other areas.

5.       Community Consultation


As part of the preparation of this Draft Budget, Council has conducted two Community Forum Summits where discussion centred on Council’s finances and Community priorities.  These priorities assisted with the development of the budget


In order to consider the budget, Council will advertise the Draft Budget in local papers and make it available for inspection at the Wycheproof Council office and on Council’s website.  Members of the public will be invited to make written submissions by 4pm on 4 June 2016.  Those who have made a written submission should indicate if they wish to make a verbal submission to the Special Council Meeting on 8 June at 7.00pm at the Wycheproof Supper Room.


6.       Internal Consultation


The Draft Budget has been developed with input from all areas of council

7.       Legislative / Policy Implications


The Draft 2016/17 Budget has been prepared in accordance with Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989

8.       Environmental Sustainability



9.       Conflict of Interest Considerations


No officer involved in the preparation of this report has a conflict of interest.

10.     Conclusion


The Draft Budget is a continuation of a detailed review of Council’s financial position and services.  It proposes a range of initiatives which provide for the council to return to operating surpluses and long term sustainability.



Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting Minutes                                                              Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.1.1                 Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Attachment 1    Draft 2016/17 Budget





























Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting                                                                                               Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.1.1                 Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Attachment 1    Draft 2016/17 Budget



Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting                                                                          Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.1.1                 Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Attachment 1    Draft 2016/17 Budget




Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting                                                                                               Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.1.1                 Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Attachment 1    Draft 2016/17 Budget








Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting                                                                          Wednesday, 4 May 2016

4.1.1                 Proposed 2016/17 Budget

Attachment 1    Draft 2016/17 Budget


















































Buloke Shire Council Special Meeting Minutes                                         Wednesday, 4 May 2016




Meeting closed at 5:21 pm.